CAMOTech Parvaz provides a variety of parts through our facilities to customer. CAMOTech Parvaz in-house CAA.IRI Part-21 subpart J Design Organization working with the CAOA.IRI Part-21 subpart F production team and can design and produce offered parts by customer in a reduced time and costs.

We provide the following partitions for A318-A319-A320-A321:

  • STA 316 Left and Right partitions
  • STA 320 Left and Right partitions
  • STA 316/320 Left partition with window for cabin crew direct view on passengers
  • We can manufacture with the decorative film of your choice
  • We can also certify their installation on your aircraft (LOPA change)
  • Unlimited customization:
    • Baby bassinet provisions
    • Literature pocket provisions
    • LCD Screen provisions
    • Etc.

PO Capability list: